USP has eight researchers among the most influential in the world.The assessment comes from the British consultancy Clarivate Analytics, based on the number of citations of the respective publications by their peers over the last decade

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  • USP has eight researchers among the most influential in the world.The assessment comes from the British consultancy Clarivate Analytics, based on the number of citations of the respective publications by their peers over the last decade
Publicado em 04 de Dezembro de 2024.

USP has eight professors among the most influential researchers in the world, based on the number of citations of their publications by their peers over the last decade, according to an assessment by the British consultancy Clarivate Analytics, published on November 19.In the ranking are professors Carlos Augusto Monteiro, Eurídice Martínez Steele, Geoffrey Cannon, Jean-Claude Moubarac and Maria Laura da Costa Louzada, from the Faculty of Public Health (FSP); Pedro Henrique Santin Brancalion, from the School of Agriculture Luiz de Queiroz (Esalq); Raul Dias dos Santos Filho Medical Sciences (FM).

Pedro Henrique Santin Brancalion: An associate professor in the Department of Forestry Sciences at Esalq, he is the deputy coordinator of the Pact for the Restoration of the Atlantic Forest and a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. He holds an undergraduate degree in Agronomic Engineering and a doctorate in Science from Esalq. He works on issues such as the management and restoration of tropical rainforests economically viable and with social inclusion, with a view to the balanced coexistence of these rainforests with agriculture and livestock in landscapes modified by man.

In this edition of the ranking, which has been published annually since 2014, the 6,636 most cited researchers in 2024 from more than 1,200 institutions in 59 countries and 21 research areas were ranked. The assessment and selection process is based on data from the Web of Science citation index, together with qualitative analysis carried out by experts from Clarivate’s Institute for Scientific Information (ISI).

The list also provides information on the global landscape of top research talent and identifies trends in countries, regions, and institutions. The United States remains the country with the highest number of researchers cited, 2,507; followed by China, with 1,405; the United Kingdom, with 563; Germany, with 332; and Australia, with 313. The Chinese Academy of Sciences is the institution with the most cited researchers in the world (308), 77 more than Harvard University in the United States.

Brazil had 14 researchers on the list of the most influential, four fewer than last year. USP is the Brazilian institution with the most professors selected, eight in all, a number that has remained the same since 2023.


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LASTROP - ESALQ / USP - Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz